Welcome to 2022

by Bryan Paronto

Welcome to a new year and a new website from me. Unlike previous generations of website, I've set this one up to focus on output, specifically blog posts and to some extent as a publishing point for my personal technical notes.

New Year, New Goals

As trite as ait sounds, New Years is a great time to evaluate your life, habit and how you spend your time. One of my biggest regrets so far in my career is not having started a developer blog until now. I love writing and even went to college for it for a spell.

That being said, my primary personal/professional goal for the year to is publish to this blog at least once a week. Stay tuned.

New Year, New Tools

After 1.5 years using Neovim, I've recently made the switch to Emacs. I'm certainly not the first to make this switch and document it. I think it's "a thing" where people start using Emacs, immediately fall in love with org-mode and subsequently start a blog. I am not immune to it's charms.

I spent the entirety of my Thanksgiving break configuring Emacs from nothing only to give up half way after realizing I was simply trying to run Doom Emacs with extra steps.

It's said that Emacs is the best Operating System, missing only a good text editor. What an understatement. Within a month of adopting Emacs, it's now my email client, my RSS reader and my git gui. But more affecting than any of that is the introduction of Emacs most popular feature (citation unavailable), Org-Mode.

Welcome to our new Org Overlords.

I will digress in this introduction post from pouring over the ways in which Emacs and Org-mode and improve your productivity, but for now I'll suffice it to say, this entire website was published using Org-mode

Bryan Paronto is a software engineer and all around technology nerd living in Chicago with his girlfriend and their 2 cats. He can be found here blogging or over on Twitch talking to himself while he codes.